On October 21st, Professor Maria Stoicheva gave a lecture titled “European identity and why does it matter?”, in which she focused on the European identity and China-EU (Bulgaria) exchange and mutual learning, and communicated with the students and teachers.
On October 29th, Professor Stoicheva delivered a lecture titled “Epistemology of the social sciences, a pluralist perspective and approaches”, in which she gave guidance mainly on paper writing and international publication to students in GDUFS humanities and social sciences.
On November 12th, Professor Stoicheva delivered a lecture on China-EU (Bulgaria) Cooperation at a Glance, in which she introduced the general situation of Bulgaria and the educational cooperation and exchanges between China and Bulgaria, and between China and EU.
The series of lectures delivered by her was a great success and promoted cooperation between GDUFS and Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.